Still running a Windows XP Machine?
support has stopped and you are no longer safe online!
bring your machine in and let us give you a free quote for an upgrade to Windows 7/8
PC Pros have the latest tools to clean any type of junk file or virus, we use state of the art methods that are safe and gentle to the machine and the data kept on it.
The process is quick and does not damage the integrity of the machine in any way.

Software Upgrades

At PC Pros we have seen it all from a melted graphics card to a cooked cpu.
if you are in need of a repair, we are the ones to talk to.
We can supply you with the latest and up to date gear and have you up and running in no time!

Hardware Failure

Computers are like a car in some ways.
Like cars they need servicing and at least once a year.
this keeps them running nice and fast and lengthens the life span of the machine.
This includes pulling apart the machine and giving each part a thorough clean.

Computer Servicing

Networking made easy.
You call us, We set it up. Easy!
We know how confusing networking can be to some people. call us for for a setup quote.


Gumtree: PcPros!

Software Clean

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For more info or a quote:
Phone: 1300 18 22 32
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